Sunflower Bouquet

Sunflowers bouquet 3D pop-up card


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“Her heart bloomed sunflowers so she would always face the light” – Gemma Troy

Flowers are universally the way we convey our thoughts, feelings and hopes to those who receive them.Β  This blooming bouquet of sunflowers 3D pop-up card will not only delight the senses but also speak to your special someone in ways beyond words through the bold palette and the intricate details featured.

The Velvet Squirrel Card Opening πŸ’Œ Bouquet of Sunflowers Card 🌻
The Velvet Squirrel Card Opening πŸ’Œ Bouquet of Sunflowers Card 🌻

Additional information

Weight 50 g
Dimensions 20 × 15 cm
Card Colour


Envelope Colour


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